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Deploy OpenStack on OpenShift with Networker Nodes

In this post I’ll cover the steps to deploy an environment with install_yamls, with two edpm computes where one of them acts as a networker node, instead of having them either distributed in all the compute nodes or in the controllers. This means that the N/S traffic for VMs without Floating IPs will be centralized in that networker node.

Deploy CRC

Following the steps detailed at install_yamls the first step is to clone the repository and deploy CRC:

$ git clone

$ cd install_yamls/devsetup
$ CPUS=12 MEMORY=25600 DISK=100 make crc

Deploy OpenStack

Once CRC is ready we can proceed to first create 2 extra VMs (edpm_computes) and then install openstack control plane on top of CRC

# Add default network to CRC
$ make crc_attach_default_interface

# Create compute nodes
$ EDPM_TOTAL_NODES=2 make edpm_compute

# Create dependencies
$ cd ..
$ make crc_storage
$ make input

# Install openstack-operator
$ NETWORK_ISOLATION=true  make openstack_wait

# Install openstack control plane
$ NETWORK_ISOLATION=true  make openstack_wait_deploy

Deploy compute node

As we only want to use one of the nodes as a compute, leaving the second one to be a networker, we don’t need to add the EDPM_TOTAL_NODES when deploying edpm part

$ make edpm_wait_deploy

This will deploy the OpenStack dataplane only considering theedpm-compute-0 node.

Deploy networker node

To create the networker node we can simply mimic the same OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet and OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment objects created for the compute node, with some modifications and reconfigure OpenStackControlPlane to ensure the Gateway configuration is not set on the ovn-controllers running on the CRC side.


The NodeSet is pretty similar to the one for edpm-compute-0 but:

  • pointing to the other node (edpm-compute-1)
  • removing the extra services not needed for networker nodes. For instance, the components to create VMs are not needed (such as libvirt, nova), or the related services such as the metadata-agent related items.
  • ensuring the next config option is set

    edpm_enable_chassis_gw: true

The easy way to parse it is to copy the one already created for edpm-compute-0 and modify it. But of course it can be created from scratch too, or copy the default template for the networker node at the dataplane-operator and adapt it.

# make a copy of openstackdataplanenodeset
$ oc -n openstack get openstackdataplanenodeset -oyaml > networker_nodeset.yaml

# adapt it to cover the above points
$ cat networker_nodeset.yaml
kind: OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
  Name: openstack-edpm-networker
  Namespace: openstack
      ansiblePort: 22
      ansibleUser: cloud-admin
        edpm_enable_chassis_gw: true
      hostName: edpm-compute-1
      networkConfig: {}
      - defaultRoute: true
        name: CtlPlane
        subnetName: subnet1
      - name: InternalApi
        subnetName: subnet1
      - name: Storage
        subnetName: subnet1
      - name: Tenant
        subnetName: subnet1
  - repo-setup
  - download-cache
  - configure-network
  - validate-network
  - install-os
  - configure-os
  - run-os
  - ovn


Create the OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment that points to the above defined OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet:

$ cat networker_deployment.yaml
kind: OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment
  name: openstack-edpm-networker
  namespace: openstack
  - openstack-edpm-networker

Trigger the networker deployment

Finally, create those two objects and wait until the second node (edpm-compute-1) gets configured as a networker node

$ oc apply -f networker_nodeset.yaml
$ oc apply -f networker_deployment.yaml

You can check that the edpm services (i.e., pods) running in edpm-compute-0 and edpm-compute-1 are different. There are less services running on edpm-compute-1. In addition, the ovs configuration is different, and you can check that only edpm-compute-1 (our networker node) has the enable-chassis-as-gw flag:

$ [root@edpm-compute-1 ~]# ovs-vsctl list open .
external_ids        : {hostname=edpm-compute-2, ovn-bridge=br-int, ovn-bridge-mappings="provider1:br-ex,provider2:br-vlan", ovn-chassis-mac-mappings="provider1:3e:09:74:7a:7e:0b,provider2:3e:6b:74:7a:7e:0b", ovn-cms-options=enable-chassis-as-gw, ovn-encap-ip="", ovn-encap-type=geneve, ovn-match-northd-version=True, ovn-monitor-all=True, ovn-ofctrl-wait-before-clear="8000", ovn-openflow-probe-interval="60", ovn-remote="tcp:", ovn-remote-probe-interval="60000", rundir="/var/run/openvswitch", system-id="bfe1edcd-e698-4a89-bdf9-c2800b6ae0c3"}

Reconfigure OpenStackControlPlane

To ensure only edpm-compute-1 is our networker node, we need to ensure the control plane is also configured to not be a networker node. This can be checked at the OpenStackControlPlane object

$ oc get OpenStackControlPlane -oyaml
      enabled: true                             
            service: false                              
            enable-chassis-as-gateway: true
            ovn-bridge: br-int
            ovn-encap-type: geneve              
            system-id: random 

In the case the flag enable-chassis-as-gateway is set to true, we need to change it to false:

$ oc patch OpenStackControlPlane openstack-galera-network-isolation -n openstack --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/ovn/template/ovnController/external-ids/enable-chassis-as-gateway", "value": false}]'

After that, the flag will be disabled also at the ovn-controllers running on top of CRC, and only the edpm-compute-1 will work as a networker node, hosting the OVN gateway ports and centralizing the traffic for VMs without Floating IPs.


As you can see, creating a networker node is exactly the same as creating a compute node, with the difference of a couple of extra configurations, and a limited amount of services running on then. In this example we just have 1 compute and 1 networker, but as you can imaging, you can create as many as you want/need.